
The value of the Ceylon jems

 Sri Lanka or Ceylon is the one of the best natural gems found in the world. Ceylon has longest history about the gem marketing.  In the present situation lot of bid gems found in Ceylon but the main problem that  the gems can not sell in the out side. The government of the Ceylon implemented the new taxes for the gem market that affected for the gem industry falling down. Members of the Sri Lanka Gem and Jewellery Association issue a dire warning of severe harm due to the imposition of an 18% VAT on the import of precious rough stones and the local sale of gem-studded jewelry to tourists starting on January 1, 2024.  They lament that the government does not comprehend how the gem and jewelry industry functions.Let's say that rough stones are imported for commercial purposes to account for 70% of value added exports. SL runs the risk of losing its highly skilled local workforce to other countries, particularly to burgeoning gem and jewelry hubs like Dubai and more established local

Lankan Gems Rathnapura |

Lankan Gems Rathnapura | How to Find Gems In Sri Lanka One of the world’s most beautiful and exotic islands, Sri Lanka, (formerly Ceylon) lies just below the southern tip of India. This pear-shaped bit of tropical paradise, about the size of Sicily, is a tourist’s delight offering British teahouses, rubber plantations, and gem mines.Marco Polo wrote of his visit in 1292: “I want you to understand that the island of Ceylon is, for its size, the finest island in the world, and from its streams comes rubies, sapphires, topazes, amethyst and garnet.” Little has changed since Marco Polo’s time except that Sri Lanka faces overpopulation and a faltering economy.Its gemstones, however, seem to occur in endless supply. Known as the “Jewel Box of the Indian Ocean,” Sri Lanka, like possibly no other locality on earth, has yielded precious stones and fine gems in a great profusion of gem species and varieties. The island was

How to find gems normal

lanka gems <meta name="title" content="lanka gems" /> <meta name="description" content="52 of the 85 known varieties of gems are found in this tiny island. Sri Lanka’s gem industry has a rich history. Due to the abundance of natural gems Sri Lanka was also called Ratna-Dweepa (Gem Island)." /> <meta name="keywords" content="sri lanka gems market sinhala lanka gems sri lanka gems price sri lanka gems online what gemstones are found in sri lanka how to find gems in sri lanka sri lankan gems names where to buy gems in sri lanka lanka gems home facebook lanka gems and jeweller" /> <meta name="author" content="" /> <meta name="owner" content="" /> <meta name="copyright" content="(c) 2019" /> Sri Lanka  The island known as the pearl of the Indian O

Tips when buying Gems in Sri Lanka.

<meta name="title" content="Tips when buying Gems in Sri Lanka" /> <meta name="description" content="How to by real gems in Sri Lanka best guide tips when by gems in Sri Lanka." /> <meta name="keywords" content="Tips buing gems gemstones best place to buy loose gemstones types of gemstones list how to buy gemstones reputable gemstone dealers gemstones education gem price guide popular gemstones best place to buy loose gemstones gem price guide gemstones gemstones" /> <meta name="author" content="" /> <meta name="owner" content="" /> <meta name="copyright" content="(c) 2019" /> Tips when buying Gems in Sri Lanka Tips when buying Gems in Sri Lanka. * In general you should know what you want and how much you want to spend. It’s easy to get c

sri lankan gems History

History of Ceylon Gems THE HISTORY OF GEMS IN SRI LANKA Sri Lanka or Ceylon until 1972 is well known throughout the world for the large quantity and exquisite variety of its gemstones.  Its mineral rich soils have been yielding seemingly a never ending supply of high quality precious and semi-precious gem stones. Sri Lankan chronicle Mahavamsa records Ceylon was known as "Rathna deepa" in Sanskrit meaning The Island of Jewells. Sri Lanka has a rich history of large deposits of diverse gems stones.Ratnapura (‘City of Gems' in Singhalese) incredible variety of gemstones, many of them outstanding in comparison with stones from other regions. Since the early times Ceylon produces Blue, Golden Yellow, Pink, Orange sapphires, Rubies,Pinkish yellow (Padparadscha) Chrysoberyl cat's eyes,Alexandrite color changing garnets, Star sapphires, Garnets, Zircons, Tourmalines and Spinals.  The chronicle also mentions encrusted thrones owned by Naga king in

Alexandrite Gemstone Information

Alexandrite Gemstone Information More Posts * Gem, Diamond and Jewellery   * Gemstones Found in Sri Lanka * WORLD FAMOUS GEMSTONES FROM SRI LANKA * BLUE SAPPHIRES ALEXANDRITE Alexandrite gemstone is famous for its magical characteristic of changing its colour under different lighting conditions. It is one of the scarcest and cherished of coloured stone among the Collectors due to its peculiar nature of exhibiting green in natural light and a reddish-purple under incandescent lighting. It is believed that it is been first to have found near River of Tokovaya in the emerald mines in Ural Mountains. Similar to other precious stones. Alexandrite also emerges millions of years ago. Unlike many other stones this requires specific geological condition. The main composition of beryllium and the colouring agent Chromium are found in different types rocks the combination is very hard to come by making them the scarce stones. Sri Lanka is on

Star Sapphire Gemstone Information

Star Sapphire Gemstone Information STAR SAPPHIRES Star Sapphires are gorgeous and enthralling gemstones that show a distinct star ray across the face of the stone.    Star Sapphires are always cut into a Cabochon shape with a high dome. This is the only way that the shining star will be seen from the stone. Cutting star sapphires is often remain very few cutters. Miners and first hand buyers only trust the highly experienced cutters who have years' experience and specialization as the cutter need to strike the balance between the carats, stars and colour. The star in star Sapphires is caused by a phenomenon called Asterism. When viewed with a single overhead light source star Sapphires will show a six rayed star pattern. In most of the cases the star can be clearly under natural light, but it can also be viewed using a strong source of direct light such as a penlight or a halogen bulb. This pattern is caused by microscopic inclusions created by the intern